Showing posts with label Evans Kidero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evans Kidero. Show all posts
Nairobi Woman Representative Rachael Shebesh
In an earlier post, we reported that Nairobi County Women's Rep, Hon, Rachel Shebesh was hospitalized. As a result of the hospitalization, Shebesh had been unable to attend court proceedings in her case against Governor Evans Kidero. The vocal and outspoken Nairobi politician is hospitalized in a Nairobi hospital and we can now reveal what she is ailing from.

Late last year, Shebesh was involved in a number of spats with his Nairobi County political counterparts namely Senator Mike Sonko and Governor Evans Kidero. These fiascos seem to have taken toll on Shebesh who is said to be suffering from depression. In the past, Hon. Shebesh has come out and spoken about having bipolar disoder. Bipolar disorder — sometimes called manic-depressive disorder — is associated with mood swings that range from the lows of depression to the highs of mania. And her recent political upheavals seem to have swung Hon. Shebesh in the direction of lows of depression.

We sincerely wish her a speedy recovery.

A Jubilee government insider has at last revealed their moles in their bitter rivals camp, CORD. Whether the revelation was intentional or erroneous, is yet to be determined.

The said moles are claimed to be the ones responsible for disrupting the ODM elections in Kasarani and the group is said to be made up of well educated young elite politicians in ODM, a party whose patron is Raila Odinga who ran for presidency in 2007 and lost to his bitter rival and perennial nemesis retired President Mwai Kibaki. ODM is one of the main partners in the CORD Coalition, the other being Kalonzo Musyoka's Wiper Party, formerly ODM-K.

It is claimed that a host of leaders elected on CORD ticket in the 4th March election are leaning towards Jubilee. The list includes Nairobi Governor, Dr. Evans Kidero, who being the governor of the capital city is considered to be the most powerful of all governors. Interestingly, Dr. Kidero was conspicuously absent from the ODM elections at Kasarani, feigning unavailability due to a tight schedule.Bitter Jubilee critic and CORD's Ukambani political luminary, Machakos Senator Johnstone Muthama, is also said to be warming up to Jubilee and is set to ditch CORD soon. His CORD compatriot and fellow Machakos politician and governor, Dr. Alfred Mutua is said to be a Jubilee sympathiser and politically works very closely with Jubilee than he does CORD or Wiper. Mombasa Governor, another of the strong governors, Ali Hassan Joho is also said to be Jubilee-allied.

The revelation of the by the Jubilee insider was done through social media outlet Facebook, where he posted the names of the said moles, who are believed to be leaders of a wider group within CORD that is allied to Jubilee government. The said Facebook posting of the insider is below:

"In a Jubilee dominated Bunge, there are only two CORD chairmen of committees. One is Adan Keynan. The other is Tawfiq Ababu Namwamba. Vijana wetu. Kazi safi."

Nairobi County Women Rep Rachel Wambui Shebesh
The contraversial and embatled Nairobi Women's Rep, Hon. Rachel Wambui Shebesh is in hospital. The course of her hospitalization is not clear. Shebesh made headlines with her highly publicized fall out with Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko and her altercation with Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero which resulted with the latter slapping her on camera.

As a result of her hospitalization, Shebesh will be unable to withdraw her case against the Governor as had been expected, the court was told earlier today. As a result, the case has been deferred to March 19 2014