Showing posts with label Jubilee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jubilee. Show all posts
A vocal CORD MP in a spat with renowned blogger, Robert Alai, has asserted that the outspoken blogger deserves to die, and not just die but be put down like a vicious dog he is because of his verbal diarrhoea.
Nominated MP Isaac Mwaura
The nominated MP, Isaac Mwaura, in a text message he sent to Alai, said that Robert Alai deserves to die because of what he termed as his malicious attacks and vendetta against him, amongst them, Alais assertion that Mwaura was the one behind the ODM chaotic nominations that culminated to the calling off of ODM elections in February this year.
Blogger Robert Alai

Mwaura spoke a day after renowned Human Rights activist, Dr David Matsanga and TNA insider, Moses Kuria, were allegedly caught red handed planning how to kill Robert Alai for being a critic of the Jubilee Government.
Security has been scaled up at key Government installations across the country as war against terror enters fever pitch.
Al Shabaab fighters in a training routine

The Government of President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, has also assigned more bodyguards and extra chase cars to top State officials, their spouses and children as part of efforts to avert terror attacks after it emerged the top Government officials and prominent figures could be the one targeted by Al-Shabaab terrorists.

Before leaving for Belgium last week, President Uhuru Kenyatta directed his Deputy and top security details to instruct top Government officials and prominent figures to limit their movements especially at night because they are targets.

Among those who the Al-Shabaab have targeted and whose bodyguards, those of their spouse and children have been increased include;

1.       Uhuru Kenyatta (President)
2.      William Ruto (Deputy President)
3.      Joseph Ole Lenku (CS Interior)
4.      Anne Wiguru (CS Devolution)
5.      Henry Rotich (CS Treasury)
6.      Raychael Omamo (CS Defence)
7.      Willy Mutunga (Chief Justice)
8.     Aden Duale (Majority Leader National Assembly)
9.      Kithure Kindiki (Majority Leader Senate)
10.  Justin Muturi (Speaker National Assembly)

11.   Ekwee Ethuro (Speaker Senate)
Jubilee Majority Leader in the Parliament and vocal Garissa Township MP Aden Bare Duale is a besieged man. This was after remarks that the Jubilee stalwart and close ally to both the president and his deputy made unequivocal remarks on the ongoing swoop in Eastleigh aimed at rooting out Al Shabaab cells and their associates.
Embattled Garissa Township MP and Majority Leader in the National Assembly Aden Duale
Speaking on Tuesday, URP Chairman Francis Ole Kaparo distanced the URP party from Duale’s remarks, saying his move to defend terrorists was personal and does not represent the views of the URP party. Mr. Kaparo noted that William Ruto’s URP supports the crackdown on terrorists by the Jubilee Government 100% because it is Government policy and will not tolerate anyone opposed to it.

However, Duale who has been on the forefront of speaking about radicalization of youth and apparent non-tolerance teachings that have been adopted by some Muslim preachers, has vehemently denied being a supporter or a sympathizer of any terrorist organization or any terrorist act. He maintains that the terrorist elements regardless of their purported religious affiliation or their heritage should be rooted out.

But the majority leader maintains that the operation should be carried out in a systematic order and not appear to be targeting a specific community namely Somalis. His comments seem to have been blown out of proportion by media and fueled by some political powerbrokers who want to keep him in check. Some powerful and dominant political quarters seem to have been rattled by Duale’s increased popularity and charisma.

Importantly, they not that the Garissa Township MP, who hails from a minority community in Kenya is growing ever more powerful and his intimate closeness to President Uhuru and DP William Ruto is giving them sleepless nights. In terms of power, Mr. Duale is seen as third in line after the president and his deputy.

As a proof that indeed Mr. Duale is not a terrorism sympathizer, watch the video below.

The International Criminal Court at the Hague, Netherlands, has issued thinly veiled threats to topple the Jubilee government headed by President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto who are both facing charges before implausible court.

Convicted Congolese warlord Germain Katanga
The Hague based court issued its direct threat through the court prosecutor, maritime lawyer, Fatou Bensouda who said that the country leaders should learn from the conviction of Congolese warlord Germain Katanga. General Katanga has been facing charges of being an accessory in the ethnic cleansing of a diamond-rich village in Congo in 2003 where more than 200 people died. Congo is notorious for blood diamonds where diamond buyers pay rebels to cause public unrest and create a buffer zone. A small team on behalf of the diamond buyers mines the precious rock and then sell diamonds to the diamond buyers for pennies on the dollar. Germain Katanga's case drew to a close with the court reporting that the ICC judges had convicted him. Ironically, the western powers and multinationals that finance and sponsor these heinous acts to be perpetrated are never convicted.

ICC Prosecutor, Maritime Lawyer Fatou Bensouda
The two leaders who are accused of orchestrating the 2007 post election violence were overwhelmingly voted for by the Kenyan electorate winning by 50.07% of the votes cast and thereby attaining the 50% plus one threshold required to win the elections in the first round. Prior to this, the court had done all it could to bar the duo from running in the elections including media monitoring to gather evidence against them. However, finding rich media content relevant to the case has not been easy for the court.

Professor Makau Mutua
President Kenyatta and his running mate William Ruto were elected on a reform platform where they promised a digital government. Through this digital marketing, they promised to institute cloud infrastructure with a data center management system complete with a computer tech support team. This was to increase government transparency as well as help root out corruption and government bureaucracy and inaccessibility.

The second threat from the court came indirectly via its mole the Dean of the University at Buffalo Law School Prof. Makau Mutua. Mutua, who is fairly unpopular in Kenya, issued the threat by referring to the current public unrest in Ukraine. The inference by the human rights lawyer and activist is seen as a direct gesture to call for civil unrest in Kenya to topple the government.
The ICC Bulding at the Hague Netherlands
The International Criminal Court at the Hague is set to ditch one of the cases at the court. At the moment, three Kenyans are facing charges at the court namely President Uhuru Kenyatta, his deputy William Ruto and radio presenter Joshua arap Sang.

The three cases have been hit by major technical hitches as well as witnesses withdrawal as the court tries to build cases against the three on flimsy grounds.The court, in cohort with some western powers, have been in the last 6 years trying to fabricate a case against the three, primarily targeting President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto so as to bar them from office and have leaders of their choice take their place.

Charismatic & Dynamic Duo of President Uhuru and Deputy Ruto
But now it seems all their effforts have been in futility as the ICC is finally set to cave in and announce that it has neither grounds or enough evidence to prosecute the charges leveled against President Uhuru Kenyatta. That of his co-accused and his Deputy President William Ruto is also set to cramble within the course of the year and thrown out.

ICC-charged Radio Presenter Joshua arap Sang
Mr. Sang's case may continue to judgement but with the evidence presented, it is said he will walk free too. For the three, and particularly the popular duo of President Uhuru and his Deputy William Ruto, they will feel this is justice served. And so will many Kenyans who feel that the wrong people were charged while the real culprits hid in the shadows, protected by some western powers through NGOs.

Political nemesis President Uhuru Kenyatta (L) and Raila Odinga (R)
Massive exodus from CORD Coalition to Jubilee seem to have been accelerated by the botched ODM elections at Kasarani. The latest bunch of politicians to jump ship are from the coastal region. They have termed the ODM elections as 'Democracy on Trial'. Ironically, that was Raila Odinga's title to his denunciation speech after he lost the 4th March 2013 elections to Uhuru Kenyatta. Raila termed the elections fraudlent and declared he'd seek legal redress as he felt democracy was on trial.

Sarcastically, the exodus from his party are down to the party's autocracy and dictatorial nature with Raila being accused of high handedness and micromanaging  the party for his own personal gains as opposed to the interests of the whole country. The coastal religion religiously voted for Raila Odinga in 2007 and was one of the epicenters of the Post Election Violence  (PEV). Youths who had sworn allegiance to Raila took to the streets and rioted for weeks in what they claimed that their candidate of choice had been rigged out.

Despite the setback, five years later, the region chose to keep their faith in Raila Odinga and his CORD Coalition carried the day though nationally, he again lost to the current president Uhuru Kenyatta. Their faith seem to have worn out now as they also accuse the coalition's principle leader of opposing each development agenda of the current government for the sake of it and without any fundamental grounds. Some of the projects that the leader has been strongly opposed to are of deep economic importance to the region namely the LAPSSET Corridor project, Ramisi Sugar factory revival and the standard gauge railway line. These projects, once complete, are set to change the fortunes of the region and make it one of the richest in the country.

It is on the back of this that MP Mishi Juma from Mombasa and her Kilifi counterpart Aisha Karisa have jumped into the Jubilee bandwagon. They have sworn to worn with the government to ensure that the projects being undertaken by the government for the welfare of the region are not sabotage and are successful and to the benefit of the people.
The three CORD Principles. From Left, Kalonzo, Raila  and Wetangula
One of the leading lights in CORD and stern critic of the Jubilee Alliance has declared that he is ready to decamp to the rivals camp. This has caused ripples within CORD and particularly in one of it's main coalition partners, WIPER Party.

The leading Ukambani leader has faced a tumultuous times since his election into the Senate in the last General Elections. The  politician has been embroiled in a bitter tug of war with the area governor. Ironically, the flamboyant politician was accusing the governor of being a Jubilee sympathizer yet he was elected on a CORD ticket.

The Flamboyant Machakos Senator Johnstone Muthama
But times seem to have changed and Johnstone Muthama is ready to jump ship after declaring CORD a sinking ship and comparing it to the titanic: big but bound to be destroyed by its own structuring! The veteran politician stated that the three CORD principles have failed to hold onto the cord binding the old guard and the new Turks together.
A Jubilee government insider has at last revealed their moles in their bitter rivals camp, CORD. Whether the revelation was intentional or erroneous, is yet to be determined.

The said moles are claimed to be the ones responsible for disrupting the ODM elections in Kasarani and the group is said to be made up of well educated young elite politicians in ODM, a party whose patron is Raila Odinga who ran for presidency in 2007 and lost to his bitter rival and perennial nemesis retired President Mwai Kibaki. ODM is one of the main partners in the CORD Coalition, the other being Kalonzo Musyoka's Wiper Party, formerly ODM-K.

It is claimed that a host of leaders elected on CORD ticket in the 4th March election are leaning towards Jubilee. The list includes Nairobi Governor, Dr. Evans Kidero, who being the governor of the capital city is considered to be the most powerful of all governors. Interestingly, Dr. Kidero was conspicuously absent from the ODM elections at Kasarani, feigning unavailability due to a tight schedule.Bitter Jubilee critic and CORD's Ukambani political luminary, Machakos Senator Johnstone Muthama, is also said to be warming up to Jubilee and is set to ditch CORD soon. His CORD compatriot and fellow Machakos politician and governor, Dr. Alfred Mutua is said to be a Jubilee sympathiser and politically works very closely with Jubilee than he does CORD or Wiper. Mombasa Governor, another of the strong governors, Ali Hassan Joho is also said to be Jubilee-allied.

The revelation of the by the Jubilee insider was done through social media outlet Facebook, where he posted the names of the said moles, who are believed to be leaders of a wider group within CORD that is allied to Jubilee government. The said Facebook posting of the insider is below:

"In a Jubilee dominated Bunge, there are only two CORD chairmen of committees. One is Adan Keynan. The other is Tawfiq Ababu Namwamba. Vijana wetu. Kazi safi."