Showing posts with label Uhuru Kenyatta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uhuru Kenyatta. Show all posts
Security has been scaled up at key Government installations across the country as war against terror enters fever pitch.
Al Shabaab fighters in a training routine

The Government of President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, has also assigned more bodyguards and extra chase cars to top State officials, their spouses and children as part of efforts to avert terror attacks after it emerged the top Government officials and prominent figures could be the one targeted by Al-Shabaab terrorists.

Before leaving for Belgium last week, President Uhuru Kenyatta directed his Deputy and top security details to instruct top Government officials and prominent figures to limit their movements especially at night because they are targets.

Among those who the Al-Shabaab have targeted and whose bodyguards, those of their spouse and children have been increased include;

1.       Uhuru Kenyatta (President)
2.      William Ruto (Deputy President)
3.      Joseph Ole Lenku (CS Interior)
4.      Anne Wiguru (CS Devolution)
5.      Henry Rotich (CS Treasury)
6.      Raychael Omamo (CS Defence)
7.      Willy Mutunga (Chief Justice)
8.     Aden Duale (Majority Leader National Assembly)
9.      Kithure Kindiki (Majority Leader Senate)
10.  Justin Muturi (Speaker National Assembly)

11.   Ekwee Ethuro (Speaker Senate)
The International Criminal Court at the Hague, Netherlands, has issued thinly veiled threats to topple the Jubilee government headed by President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto who are both facing charges before implausible court.

Convicted Congolese warlord Germain Katanga
The Hague based court issued its direct threat through the court prosecutor, maritime lawyer, Fatou Bensouda who said that the country leaders should learn from the conviction of Congolese warlord Germain Katanga. General Katanga has been facing charges of being an accessory in the ethnic cleansing of a diamond-rich village in Congo in 2003 where more than 200 people died. Congo is notorious for blood diamonds where diamond buyers pay rebels to cause public unrest and create a buffer zone. A small team on behalf of the diamond buyers mines the precious rock and then sell diamonds to the diamond buyers for pennies on the dollar. Germain Katanga's case drew to a close with the court reporting that the ICC judges had convicted him. Ironically, the western powers and multinationals that finance and sponsor these heinous acts to be perpetrated are never convicted.

ICC Prosecutor, Maritime Lawyer Fatou Bensouda
The two leaders who are accused of orchestrating the 2007 post election violence were overwhelmingly voted for by the Kenyan electorate winning by 50.07% of the votes cast and thereby attaining the 50% plus one threshold required to win the elections in the first round. Prior to this, the court had done all it could to bar the duo from running in the elections including media monitoring to gather evidence against them. However, finding rich media content relevant to the case has not been easy for the court.

Professor Makau Mutua
President Kenyatta and his running mate William Ruto were elected on a reform platform where they promised a digital government. Through this digital marketing, they promised to institute cloud infrastructure with a data center management system complete with a computer tech support team. This was to increase government transparency as well as help root out corruption and government bureaucracy and inaccessibility.

The second threat from the court came indirectly via its mole the Dean of the University at Buffalo Law School Prof. Makau Mutua. Mutua, who is fairly unpopular in Kenya, issued the threat by referring to the current public unrest in Ukraine. The inference by the human rights lawyer and activist is seen as a direct gesture to call for civil unrest in Kenya to topple the government.
We can authoritatively confirm that CORD Leader and last general elections presidential run up Raila Amolo Odinga is weighing up his political options for 2017 elections. Raila, outspoken leader, was born in 1945, and whose father is former freedom fighter and Preseident Jomo Kenyatta's -President Uhuru's father- confidant and one time vice-president, later foe Jaramogi Oginga Odinga.
Veteran Luo Nyanza political Kingpin Raila Odinga

Already a veteran politician, Raila will be 72 by the next elections and fears are that he may not be in a position to replicate the vibrant and dynamic energy the Kenyan populace is already accustomed to from the current youthful president and its deputy. And with the young elite politicians with CORD affiliate parties already gang up to spearhead  young Turks revolution, Raila Odinga is said to be considering retiring from active politics altogether while his star is still shining bright rather than lose and get kicked out of the political arena by the young Turks. Another factor that has really influenced his consideration is the path taken by his long time ally and key advisor, scholar Prof. Peter Anyang Nyong'o, father to Oscar Academy winner Lupita Nyong'o. Prof. Nyong'o has decided to take a back seat in politics and concentrate on his family affairs, having been in public service for decades, especially now that his daughter is a big Hollywood star and would probably be in dire need of her father's guidance.

As to what the enigmatic leader who is hated and loved in equal measure decides to do, is everyone's guess, given his unpredictable political decisions and turn-arounds; but he will most probably fade off from the political arena sooner than later.

The ICC Bulding at the Hague Netherlands
The International Criminal Court at the Hague is set to ditch one of the cases at the court. At the moment, three Kenyans are facing charges at the court namely President Uhuru Kenyatta, his deputy William Ruto and radio presenter Joshua arap Sang.

The three cases have been hit by major technical hitches as well as witnesses withdrawal as the court tries to build cases against the three on flimsy grounds.The court, in cohort with some western powers, have been in the last 6 years trying to fabricate a case against the three, primarily targeting President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto so as to bar them from office and have leaders of their choice take their place.

Charismatic & Dynamic Duo of President Uhuru and Deputy Ruto
But now it seems all their effforts have been in futility as the ICC is finally set to cave in and announce that it has neither grounds or enough evidence to prosecute the charges leveled against President Uhuru Kenyatta. That of his co-accused and his Deputy President William Ruto is also set to cramble within the course of the year and thrown out.

ICC-charged Radio Presenter Joshua arap Sang
Mr. Sang's case may continue to judgement but with the evidence presented, it is said he will walk free too. For the three, and particularly the popular duo of President Uhuru and his Deputy William Ruto, they will feel this is justice served. And so will many Kenyans who feel that the wrong people were charged while the real culprits hid in the shadows, protected by some western powers through NGOs.