Showing posts with label al Shabaab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label al Shabaab. Show all posts
Al Amin Kimathi, the Executive Director of Muslim for Human Rights Forum, has said his life is in danger.

Vocal Human Rights Activist Al Amin Kimathi

Speaking in a press conference on Thursday, Kimathi, who was held in solitary confinement in Kampala's Luzira Maximum Security Prison in 2010 after terror attacks in Kampala, said officials from  human rights organizations told him  he is on the “next to be killed” order after Sheikh Abubakar  Shariff Alias Makaburi.

He also quoted an Anti-Terror Police Unit (ATPU) official based at Pangani who said Al Amin Kimathi will be the next high profile person the death squad will be looking for.

“During a chat at the police station, at some point (he) (the ATPU officer) started talking about Mombasa and Makaburi. Then he commented that the next high profile person they will be looking for is Al Amin Kimathi,” he said.

“I am not worried because I must die one day and if it is to die for my ideals and the position I have adopted in my work, I will gladly do so,” Kimathi said.

Last week, Kimathi was publicly heard calling for revenge for Makaburi’s killers.

“We can no longer tolerate what is going in this country you must defend your rights even if it means paying the ultimate price,” he said.
Security has been scaled up at key Government installations across the country as war against terror enters fever pitch.
Al Shabaab fighters in a training routine

The Government of President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, has also assigned more bodyguards and extra chase cars to top State officials, their spouses and children as part of efforts to avert terror attacks after it emerged the top Government officials and prominent figures could be the one targeted by Al-Shabaab terrorists.

Before leaving for Belgium last week, President Uhuru Kenyatta directed his Deputy and top security details to instruct top Government officials and prominent figures to limit their movements especially at night because they are targets.

Among those who the Al-Shabaab have targeted and whose bodyguards, those of their spouse and children have been increased include;

1.       Uhuru Kenyatta (President)
2.      William Ruto (Deputy President)
3.      Joseph Ole Lenku (CS Interior)
4.      Anne Wiguru (CS Devolution)
5.      Henry Rotich (CS Treasury)
6.      Raychael Omamo (CS Defence)
7.      Willy Mutunga (Chief Justice)
8.     Aden Duale (Majority Leader National Assembly)
9.      Kithure Kindiki (Majority Leader Senate)
10.  Justin Muturi (Speaker National Assembly)

11.   Ekwee Ethuro (Speaker Senate)
Jubilee Majority Leader in the Parliament and vocal Garissa Township MP Aden Bare Duale is a besieged man. This was after remarks that the Jubilee stalwart and close ally to both the president and his deputy made unequivocal remarks on the ongoing swoop in Eastleigh aimed at rooting out Al Shabaab cells and their associates.
Embattled Garissa Township MP and Majority Leader in the National Assembly Aden Duale
Speaking on Tuesday, URP Chairman Francis Ole Kaparo distanced the URP party from Duale’s remarks, saying his move to defend terrorists was personal and does not represent the views of the URP party. Mr. Kaparo noted that William Ruto’s URP supports the crackdown on terrorists by the Jubilee Government 100% because it is Government policy and will not tolerate anyone opposed to it.

However, Duale who has been on the forefront of speaking about radicalization of youth and apparent non-tolerance teachings that have been adopted by some Muslim preachers, has vehemently denied being a supporter or a sympathizer of any terrorist organization or any terrorist act. He maintains that the terrorist elements regardless of their purported religious affiliation or their heritage should be rooted out.

But the majority leader maintains that the operation should be carried out in a systematic order and not appear to be targeting a specific community namely Somalis. His comments seem to have been blown out of proportion by media and fueled by some political powerbrokers who want to keep him in check. Some powerful and dominant political quarters seem to have been rattled by Duale’s increased popularity and charisma.

Importantly, they not that the Garissa Township MP, who hails from a minority community in Kenya is growing ever more powerful and his intimate closeness to President Uhuru and DP William Ruto is giving them sleepless nights. In terms of power, Mr. Duale is seen as third in line after the president and his deputy.

As a proof that indeed Mr. Duale is not a terrorism sympathizer, watch the video below.

It is finally emerging that slain Islamic cleric, Sheikh Abubakar Shariff Ahmed alias  Makaburi was not assassinated by the Government as many Kenyans had been forced to believe.
Police pick the body of slain fiery Muslim cleric Sheikh Makaburi outside Mombasa Shanzu Law Courts
According to intelligence reports from Kenyan, British and American detectives, Makaburi was a victim of a power struggle within the Al Shabaab.

The report which was published in the Mirror , a UK based newspaper o Saturday, said it was Samantha Lewthwaite (the white widow) who ordered the killing of the radical Islamic cleric.

The information comes a day after top Muslim leaders and clerics accused the Jubilee Government of being behind the killing of the fiery cleric who advocated for the killing of Christians (/Kafirs/) at the coastal city of Mombasa.

The London based paper says Makaburi was killed due to his refusal of becoming a senior Al Shababab leader in Kenya and Uganda.

Sources say Samantha, who is hiding in a remote village in an Al Shabaab controlled region in Somalia, ordered the killing of Makaburi terming him a “betrayer of Muslims”

This may be cemented by news that those who shot Makaburi on Tuesday evening were men wearing white robes (Kanzus) and Muslim caps.