Kenya Moves to Economic Hitman's Penultimate Choice

Economic hitman are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development and other foreign aid organizantions into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources.

Usually, they influence their targets through bribery, this is option one. If this fails, they use threats, blackmail and coercion and if this fails, they opt for the third and penultimate choice, send the jackals and initiate regime change that can result in the overthrow of the government or coup de etat, or as it was in 2011, uprising like the Arab Spring that swept across North Africa and Middle East, taking down governments along with it. And currently, what is happening in Ukraine.

In Kenya, the economic hitman has been around for a long term, compromising the economy and draining the national coffers leaving the economy to its knews. However, with the incorruptible president coming to power in 2003, the tide began to change and the hitman had less power each dawning day. In 2007, he tried instituting a puppet government in order to consolidate his power base, but failed flat! The only leeway for him to ensure he carries out his mission in subsequent elections was to ensure that the people had only one choice to choose from in the ballot, his puppet. Therefore, in the next five years, the economic hit man would burn the midnight oil, doing all he could to ensure that the opponents of his puppets would stand no chance. This included, in the words of Moreno Ocampo, immediate former ICC Prosecutor, fixing people deemed a  threat to the election of their puppet by charging them with committing atrocities and crimes against humanity.

When this seemed elusive, threatening the Kenyan populace with thinly veiled remarks such as 'choices have consequences' became the main agenda. But this proved to be futile kicks of a dying horse as their puppet was overrun by the popular choice. The economic hitman could not even sneak his puppet through a constitutional coup de etat through an election appeal. 

But he is back, ready to send the jackals. The jackals are usually local and foreign mercenaries. The local mercenaries are used to cause disharmony and instability within the government. They are paid to make noise and water down a government's popularity. While the government is busy putting its house in order, the foreign mercenaries, usually clandestine special ops units constituted by agents from intelligence agencies such as CIA, strike and overthrow the government. Two rogue mercenaries with ties to CIA are already in Nairobi, having relocated from their base in a notorious Latin America base and are living in a middle class estate, engaging in charity work with local NGOs in nearby slums in order to keep their cover. From Asia to Africa to Latin America, the economic hitman has struck again and again. Close home, he has strike twice in Zaire, now Congo DR in a span of 15 years.


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